Jesse McCree
Jesse McCree has been named the new CEO of South Central PA Works

August 18, 2016

South Central PA Works (South Central Workforce Development Board) and Local Elected Officials are pleased to announce that they have hired Mr. Jesse McCree as the new Chief Executive Officer of South Central PA Works based in Harrisburg. SCPa Works, as the second largest Workforce Development Board in the Commonwealth, addresses workforce development needs across Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Juniata, Lebanon, Perry, and York counties. 

Mr. McCree started his official duties on August 15, 2016, transitioning from his role as Director of Strategic Initiatives at SCPa Works. As the Director of Strategic Initiatives, he was responsible for scoping, implementing and scaling SCPa Works’ special projects and organizational initiatives, including key objectives of the strategic plan. He worked with local workforce, economic and community leaders to help shape strategic priorities for our investments using labor market intelligence, economic analysis and research.

Jesse has a Masters Degree in Public Administration (MPA) from Cornell University and has eight years of experience in workforce development, public policy, nonprofit management and academic research. Previous to SCPa Works, he worked for the PA Workforce Development Association as a Government Relations Associate, where he worked closely with state and federal policymakers to advocate for effective and innovative policies that strengthen the skills of Pennsylvania’s workforce. Before that, Jesse spent two years managing a nonprofit helping low-income and homeless residents of Cambridge, MA obtain jobs, housing and other social services.

Read the full press release here.