1. What is OJT?

OJT provides reimbursement to employers to help compensate for the extraordinary costs of providing the training and additional supervision related to the training. OJT training can assist employers who are looking to expand their businesses and who need additional staff trained with specialized skills. OJT employers may receive up to 50%
of the wage rate of the OJT trainees with a maximum of $5,500 per trainee.

2. What occupations qualify for the OJT Program?

Any eligible occupation must be considered a High Priority Occupation (HPO) as defined by the Commonwealth and SCPa Works. Also, training must provide the knowledge or skills essential to the full and adequate performance of the job. A PA CareerLink® Business Service Representative is available to help the employer in developing a practical and relevant training outline.

3. What’s in it for a company?

  • Any company interested in utilizing the OJT program for open positions will get a pool of prescreened applicants that have had their foundational skills measured through the WorkKeys® assessment program.
  • The company  will receive reimbursement for the costs associated with training new employees (usually
    calculated  at up to ½ the pay rate for the agreed upon training period).
  • A company  will receive prompt payments for training with minimum paperwork.
  • PA CareerLink® staff and SCPa Works can assist you through all phases of the OJT.

4. What is the employer’s responsibility for providing training?

In return for OJT payments, employers provide instruction, equipment, materials and evaluations according to the training outline.

5. How long is the training?

Reimbursed training cannot exceed 6 months.

6. How much does the employer get reimbursed for training the participant?

The employer must offer full time training and sustainable wages/benefits which must be equivalent to regular, entry level employees in comparable positions.

7. Are there any restrictions?

  • An OJT funded trainee cannot be used to replace employees laid off within six months prior to the date of the application.
  • SCPa Works is prohibited from using WIOA training funds on any business or part of a business that relocated   from any  location in the U.S., until the company has operated at the new location for 120 days, if the relocation resulted in any employee losing his/her job at the previous location.
  • An agreement must be made by the employer to hire the OJT trainee as a regular, full‐time employee with the same salary and benefit structure as existing employees performing similar work.

8. Can companies rehire one of their previously released (laid‐off) employees?

Yes, a business can re-hire a previous employee but it must be for a different position for which they would need training and the candidate must meet all OJT funding requirements.

9. Who selects the OJT trainee?

As the OJT employer, your company will determine the selection criteria for OJT trainees. Then, SCPa Works and PA CareerLink® will identify those of its clients who meet the criteria and will refer those clients to the company. Your company makes the final selection of the OJT trainees.

10. What if an employer has already selected a candidate for OJT training?

If an employer has already selected a candidate but has not made an employment offer, then SCPa Works can set up an OJT with the employer if that candidate is eligible and approved by PA CareerLink® staff.

11. How is the process started?

A standardized agreement and OJT contract will be completed with your company. The contract will contain all of the terms of the agreement for both your company and SCPa Works. Once the contract is in place, we will start identifying and screening candidates for the open position(s).

12. How long will the process take to get the OJT approved?

The standardized agreement, contract and training plan developed by the company must be executed in advance of hiring.

For more information, contact SCPa Works or your local PA CareerLink®